Please contact committee members if you would like more information.
The purpose of the Bylaws Committee is to establish, ratify, publish and update standard operating procedures by which the NYSSFA Southeastern Chapter will conduct its business. Membership in the Bylaws Committee is limited to the Chapter as follows:
Eric Strack
Peter Kelly
Tom Briggs
Anthony Merlini
Glen Freyer
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to develop the guidelines and requirements and application forms by which the Southeaster Zone Chapter will award scholarships to establish and oversee selection criteria, candidate eligibility and evaluation and to maximize the promotion of the scholarship program. The Scholarship Committee is comprised of and limited to the Chapter Officers as follows:
George Prine
Eric Strack
Tom Briggs
Peter Kelly
Glen Freyer
The purpose of the Annual Holiday Gala Committee is to secure the event location, plan the menu and activities, contact vendors for gift donations and collect monies from attendees. The following people have volunteered to serve on the Annual Holiday Gala Committee:
Steve Thompson
George Prine
This committee would like to add 2 new members. Please contact Steve Thompson, 914-273-4085 if you are interested in participating.
The purpose of the Annual End of the Year Committee is to select an event, coordinate food and transportation as applicable and to plan, organize and advertise all aspects of the activity. The following people have volunteered to serve on this year’s Annual End of the Year Event Committee:
Steve Thompson
Anthony Merlini
The Southeastern Chapter Empowerment Day is an annual opportunity for all chapter members to come together for a day of training, learning and connecting. Some of our top Chapter Associate Business Members are also on hand to display and demonstrate their latest products and services. It’s also a great time to do some networking and catch up with friends and colleagues. Committee members include:
Peter Kelly
George Prine
Eric Strack
The purpose of the Sunshine Committee is to provide encouragement to individuals and their families who have lost loved ones, provide benevolent gifts for those in need and flowers or other gifts for those who are hospitalized.
The Sunshine Committee establishes relationships with businesses who are able to furnish items listed above on short notice. Committee members are also responsible to coordinate deliveries as well as notify Members and Associate Members of individuals who need help. The following people have volunteered to serve on this vital committee:
Tom Briggs
George Prine
The purpose of the Golf Outing Committee is to plan and coordinate all aspects of the Annual Golf Outing: Course selection and organization of players and tee times as well as event advertising, procurement of gifts and prizes and collection of funds. Members of the Golf Outing Committee include:
Peter Kelly
Tom Briggs
This committee would like to add 3 new members. Please contact Peter Kelly, 914-683-5021 if you are interested in participating.
The purpose of the Secretary Appreciation Day Committee is to establish and organize the Annual Secretary Appreciation Day Program. Components include choice of menu, flowers and other chapter related gifts as well as vendor prizes. Duties of the committee may also include coordination of a guest speaker. Most of all, this event seeks to recognize, honor and encourage our secretaries for the wonderful job they do on a daily basis. The following people have volunteered to service on this committee:
Steve Thompson
Eric Strack
George Prine
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote communications to members, encourage more consistent attendance among members, solicit new member and facilitate member involvement within the Chapter. The following people have volunteered to serve on this committee:
Steve Thompson
George Prine
Peter Kelly
Tom Briggs
Glen Freyer
The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to promote the activities and image of the Chapter in the local media as well as communicate Chapter events and accomplishments to the State organization. The following people have volunteered to serve on this committee:
Steve Thompson
Tom Briggs
Glen Freyer
The purpose of the Mission Committee is to establish, through input of the membership, a code of conduct that embodies the essence of the Southeastern Zone Chapter of the NYSSFA. Our Chapter Mission Statement proclaims how we conduct our business, outlines our philosophy and purposes and conveys them to all who visit our Web Site. The Mission Statement is the standard by which all Members and Associate Members will strive to practice. Once the Mission Statement has been ratified, the Committee will disband. The following people have volunteered to serve on the Mission Statement Committee:
Eric Strack
Peter Kelly
Tom Briggs
Anthony Merlini
Glen Freyer